Sun Ice tea

Hello, how nice to see you, please come in as I was just making some refreshing Sun Ice Tea.

Here is everything I need to make my tea:

I have this large old pickle jar that I fill with boiling water. I then add whatever tea that I’m craving. I’m showing David’s tea summer sampler pack but today I decided to go with 3 big scoops of dried Earl Grey tea. I normally let it steep in the sun out on the deck for a few hours but you can let it steep until it’s as strong as you want it….more for a stronger taste….today I just let it steep as I was cutting up zucchini bread and puttering in the kitchen. I also love to throw a bunch of peppermint from my garden to give it a refreshing taste. Just before you serve, add honey to the jar and stir, really well. Then pour it into glasses that are filled to the top with ice because they will melt really quickly…then add more ice before you serve….a slice of lemon, a leaf of peppermint and you have a refreshing and healthy ice tea for your guests……or for your favourite daughter….at least one of them.

Let’s take our tea and zucchini bread (check out my Summer’s bounty post for the zucchini bread recipe)….out to our front yard and have a nice visit. What have you been up to?

This my favourite place to sit in the morning….please join me?


                      There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~Celia Thaxter

Thanks for coming to visit, let’s do it again soon.

Until then may you be well, happy and peaceful.

Blessings from Hope

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