Soulful Balance

I often get asked by friends and acquaintances, “how do you do it?” I know what they are talking about when they see me out with our twin daughters and our youngest son, knowing we have a household full of kids at home as well. They make an additional comment that usually goes like this, “I mean you always look pulled together, so young.”

I usually just laugh it off and say something like, “oh, you know, kids keep you young.” Which is partly true. There is nothing like surrounding yourself with the energy of children who are endlessly curious, immensely enthusiastic and always in motion. You can’t help but absorb that good stuff too.

Plus, there is the fact that you are always running after them, feeding them, cleaning them, keeping the house in order and food growing in the garden; if one wants to get into really good shape and lose weight, my advice, have 8 kids. They are your personal fitness trainers, AND they eat all your food. Just joking…well sorta.

I do know several parents though that look really tired most of the time and rather worn out. Maybe they give parenting a bad name but I think it’s more about not being in balance. I don’t know but I do know what keeps me feeling and thinking young. Partly yes, it is mothering our brood but mostly it’s finding that balance between living in my earth suit and being connected to my soul.

Me, finding that balance in tree pose

Although it’s easiest keeping that connection when I’m practicing yoga, in quiet meditation or working in my garden, the way I gain the best balance of all is when I’m just living my life. Being a mom, being a wife, being a sister, being a friend, being a homesteader and trying to be the best that I can “be.” In each breath I take I remember, “This is the only moment that exists.”

When we live our moments with that thought always as our mantra, it brings us right back to here and now, breathe in, breathe out, this is it. Be grateful for that mindset. And you know what is really amazing about this way of being, living mindfully if you will. You can actually get more accomplished in your day as your energy is boundless. When you are in balance, you are in flow with everything. Grace and ease comes to you.Anything you desire comes to you.

It’s that simple. Try it today. Each time someone asks you a question, turn to them and look them fully in the eyes and say to yourself, ‘this is the ONLY MOMENT that exists” You will find that THAT connection will be meaningful and intense. The next time you are driving anywhere, repeat that mantra and notice how things all of a sudden seem clearer and more vivid. Did you ever notice that children naturally give you their full attention when they are talking to you and they play with that same sort of focus.

It’s that simple, living mindfully each moment takes practice but is easy once you get the hang of it…and the cool thing is the more you do it, the more you move easily into that groove because it feels so good.

I wish that life should not be cheap, but sacred.  I wish the days to be as centuries, loaded, fragrant.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Until next time, may you be well, happy, balanced and peaceful.

Blessings from Hope

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