Hope Lights the Way

Last night I finally got back to my “Expanding Happiness” meditation challenge with Oprah and Deepak and guess what the theme was for where I left off? “Hope” of course. In case you are not following along with the meditation program, I thought I would share this one with you. If you are, then you will have to write to me and tell me how it resonated with you.

Hope has always been a strong element in my life. Of course if you’ve read my mini novella, “about me,” you would know that I was actually born in the little town of Hope, B.C. which I think is kind of fitting in many ways as this belief has been the running theme throughout my life.

Ever since my Dad was killed in a truck accident,when I was 5 years old and left my mom alone to care for me and my 3 older sisters, I have had something to hang onto. The belief that everything happens for a reason and things will be okay was an undergoing current in my life. Even though our family was falling apart after his death and we were financially in tough shape, my spirit kept me strong.

I believe, one of the most important lesson for us on this earth is to trust and let go. I thought for a while that this was just my journey but I see time  and time again that the story may be different for my neighbour, but the lessons are the same for everyone.

Having “Hope” to hang onto was my lifeline. And that is why this meditation focus touched me deeply last night. Being hopeful, keeps us optimistic and looking on the brighter side of things keeps us happy. Being happy, attracts good things to occur in our lives and having goodness in our life brings more joy. It’s such an important element on our earthly journey.

Anyway, I wanted to share the excerpt from today’s meditation with you and “hopefully” it will touch you as it did me. If you missed the meditation, you can still allow the daily message, “hope lights my path” to flow through you today and remember that you are, “all possibilities.”  If you want to take it deeper you can repeat the Sanskrit mantra as you go about your day. It is, “Shreem.”  Breathe in, breathe out, with the word Shreem moving through you. You are all possibilities.

Here’s the excerpt”

This is my Hope wind chime over looking my garden


Day 6 – Feeling Hope

“The greatest joys in life are found not only in what we do and feel,
but also in our quiet hopes and labors for others.”
― Bryant McGill


Today’s meditation activates the power of hope in our hearts. Hope is a key spiritual component of our joyful self. Spiritual hope is not a feeble, anxious wish for things to be better . . . it is the active engagement of our aspiration to the almighty force of evolution. True hope ties our individuality to the cosmos, giving us the guidance and support to move toward our hopes and dreams. This expansion and fulfillment of our aspirations is an essential joy of life.

We feel happy when our love grows and our territory of influence expands, and hope is the leading edge of this expansion.
Our meditation today takes us to the source of hope, the source of our evolutionary expansion of consciousness. From this still center of being, we illuminate the light of hope in our life.


May Hope light your way.

Until I see you again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.

Blessings from Hope

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