“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor was right on. She must have had a really good friend to inspire her to write the above quote. Does that friend still send ripples of love out into the world now? What would we be without our friends?
I have had my share of friends over my lifetime, but only a handful have remained close, and only one has been with me through thick and thin in my adult years.
I met my best friend Tamara, 17 years ago this fall. Her oldest daughter, A was in a Piano Pathways class at our local music school, with our oldest son Clark. Some of the nicest people I have met, have been at our music school. There is something really magical that occurs everyday in this harmony filled heritage house.
The former Smith house in Vernon is now our community music school….magic happens here.
Although we were both busy with young families, I looked forward to our weekly connection in the waiting room. We discovered that Clark and A were in kindergarten at the same school and she was a neighbour as well. As the music year unfolded, I admired her nurturing manner as she cared for her younger children. She always spoke to them softly and treated them with utmost respect, as if they were precious jewels. Later, I witness this again and again and realized this was her nature with everyone. She is a precious gem.
As our friendship grew, we shared many of the same memories as we snapped pictures of our children at the music parties and all the various school functions. In addition, we shared a mutual interest in reading and for almost 5 years, we met monthly with our Thursday night book club. I’ll never forget getting to know her at a deeper level after discussing the book, “Vinegar Hill,” by Manette Ansay.
There was something about the characters in that story which prompted T to open up and share a glimpse into her life. It was then, I realized I had found a kindred spirit and I started becoming more intimate with my life story as a result.
Isn’t it true, when we open up our heart, we connect with other people at a deeply satisfying level?
Slowly, slowly I uncovered more of myself for her to see and was happy to find her embracing even my darkest fears.
As I had this outlet in real life, to allow my authentic self to be exposed, I found my dear friend appreciated me even more. She gave me the confidence to shine in other areas of my life and with other friends. “A true friend accepts who you are, but also helps you become who you were meant to be.”
My deepest wish also was released. Although I was 40 years old and way beyond when most women close their womb service, I dearly wanted another child. T embraced this dream and encouraged me to listen to my heart. Other friends at the time, said I was crazy for trying to conceive at my age, so instead of bringing them closer I shut down. Oh yes, we remained friends but sadly it was with me covering up my heart’s desire with a mask.
When we are trying to manifest our greatest wishes, we need to surround ourselves with positive and supportive people. I was starting to grow as a person and while all my friends helped to create who I am today, it was T who loved me for who I was and inspired me to be even better. I felt like I was taking a deep breath when I was around other people and holding it until I was about to explode, but with T, I could exhale into her accepting arms. She has been like a really good quilt that ages with you but never loses it’s warmth. And, I wonder today if all of T’s friends think she is their BEST FRIEND too. Hmmm.
T and I shared my tears and trials over trying to conceive. She listened as I cried in deep grief over a sad pregnancy loss right before Christmas 2001. That Christmas she brought me a beautiful Christmas ornament with an Angel that had a banner that read, “HOPE.” This word has held such powerful energy illuminating my path. Over the years and to this day, that ornament is the first one placed on the top of our holiday tree. It reminds me not to just have faith on this earth, but that our BEST friends have been sent to us, to keep us on our path. She has touched my soul and in many ways is my earth angel.
This is a picture of my Hope Angel given to me by T
Even though T, got pregnant with her fourth before I was able to conceive our amazing Grace, she never flaunted her pregnancy. She shared each month and her growing tummy gently with love and compassion and I was thrilled when her baby daughter V arrived. We had both dreamed of baby girls.
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T’s daughter V….and Grace are good friends as well |
She was the first one I told I was pregnant other than my husband D, and she rejoiced with me when Grace arrived safely the following December. It was a year almost to the the day since she gave me the HOPE Angel Christmas ornament. She generously showered Grace with delicate baby outfits and thoughtful gifts just for me. Then, over the next 10 years, although we were not living in the same town, she was beside me as we tried to complete our family. She was the ONLY one who knew the depth of my struggle but she never once suggested I give up my dream. She was there with a shoulder to cry on and also laughed when life was filled with happiness. Once again, she was the first of my friends to hear the news that Will was on his way, and then a bit over a year later, thrilled over the news of twin girls coming.
Until now, few knew what a tough journey it was to bring these Soulbabies to earth and none to the degree that T shared. I treasure the fact, she never left my side.
And so that brings me to now. Today, November 5, a very special person was born on this earth. It was 40 something years ago but whose counting right T? We are ageless! I didn’t want the night to draw it’s curtain and for the stars to appear, without wishing my best friend,….
A very Happy Birthday T! May all your wishes and dreams come true! You deserve the best in life
Love you lots,
Always your friend,Lee/aka Hope
Although we no longer live in the same town, I always feel connected to her. She is forever more a part of me. Isn’t that what best friends do…they teach us to love really well and to open our hearts really wide.
Thank you T, for being the BEST FRIEND I have needed on this earth. I wish you everything good you have bestowed upon me…..so watch out for a Universe full of Goodness coming right at you.
And for my dear blog friends, may you be blessed with wonderful friends leaving footprints in your heart too. This is my deepest wish for us all. It’s hard enough walking this earth at times but knowing someone dear walks with you makes it bearable.
It’s because of my friend T’s unconditional love and support over the years, that my heart is open enough to send out this message, not just now but in every interaction I have on earth. Each of us can touch the world with this light filled energy. Each of us can be a BEST FRIEND!
Here is T with our new baby Will…remember he is the little guy who would cry when out of my arms for the first 6 months?………..Did I mention she is a baby whisperer?
To all BEST FRIENDS out there SHINE ON!…..and to T, thanks for helping me to shine!
Here’s a fav of mine, Carole King, singing, “You’ve got a Friend/”
If you are using an apple product (and I know you have an Apple T) click on the hyperlink above to listen to Carole sing….about friends.
Until we meet again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.
Blessings from Hope
I'm so glad you liked the post Tamara. Words seems inadequate describing my feelings towards our friendship but I didn't want your special day to go by without trying to express some of my thoughts.
I have to admit, I don't remember Vinegar Hill to any great extent and certainly not the yellow checked tablecloth. You have an amazing memory though. I just remember how you opened up about your own life after we discussed some of the characters.
Yes, babies all smell great hey! When I was searching for pictures of you, it seemed like they all included you holding babies….so funny…so the next time you come for a visit I'm going to take pictures of just YOU. I hope you enjoy your birthday month and we can talk soon. Hugs from Lee/aka Hope