All Aboard the Peace Train

I just finished writing a blog post about living a sweet life but I’m not immune to the recent terrorist attack in Paris, that occurred on Friday, November 13th, 2015. My first thoughts were fear. I knew my niece N, who moved to London this past year, was in Paris on business. I thought of her immediately. Then thanks to Facebook, I saw she was safely back in London. Then I thought of my own daughter Alyssa, who is teaching and working in London. Traveling around the U.K., writing, doing her photography, when time permits. She was in Paris last Spring after the Charlie Hebdo massacre and I was worried enough. My next thoughts were that London is too close to Paris. And then, because I believe we are all connected on this planet, if not my niece, or my daughter, there is another out there who was affected. Today, there is a mother, many mothers, who are mourning their child. Their children. Children mourning their parents. The ripples spread through the world. Many are trying to understand, “Why?”

Fear is the greatest weapon of the terrorists.  Are we willing to let them use it against us?

As I was checking my Facebook page I read a comment below a picture of the Canadian flag, that was encouraging others to stop Syrian refugees from entering our country. I understand this statement however I don’t agree with it. It’s fear based.

I think about the people in the terrorist groups and can only believe that they have been taught to hate and have not experienced much kindness in their life. When we say to innocent people of a terrorist war that we can’t offer you refuge, are we any better than the terrorists? Do we perpetuate the feelings of hate? I want to use my energy and illuminate love….can you imagine if we all came from this place?

Interestingly, I’m right in the middle of a 21 day meditation challenge put on by Deepak Chopra and Oprah that is called, “become what you believe,” and I understand totally how we create the life we want by our beliefs. Everything we think about ourselves and others, shapes the world. Although I studied the effects of our core beliefs during my Context Training years ago, it is refreshing to take another look at the power and the beliefs/walls we build up to keep us safe.

It’s only when we break down the walls and realize that we are always safe, that nothing can touch us and that we will always have enough, that we will be able to share with others on this earth and peace will be the result.

You may not know how to start but it begins at home. With your own family and friend relationships. Look for opportunities to be kind, to be compassionate, to open your heart to others.

On Friday, after filling my van trunk full of groceries I was hurriedly trying to get out of the parking lot and up ahead I saw a woman sitting next to the stop sign, “Oh no” I thought. A piece of torn cardboard resting in her lap which said simply, “hungry.” As my car moved closer, as there was a long line up, I noticed several thoughts rushing through my brain. All thoughts that had been placed there by previous experiences I have had or things I have heard from others.

“Oh she is probably a junkie and needs a fix.” “She should just get up and get a job if she wants money.” “She isn’t worthy of even being noticed.” I watched all these thoughts flood my brain and then I listened to my heart. I thought of what I had to give. I had a few dollars in my purse that I could spare. It was cold and she was sitting on the ground with just a sweater around her shoulders, and as I got closer to her, I wished I had a spare coat. I have so many in my closet back at home.

I rolled down the window and she got up, looking deep into my eyes, flashing me a brilliant smile. That’s when I saw one of her eyes was badly damaged. Just then she lowered her eyes and reached her hand towards me, it was frigid but as we touched, a warm light glowed between us. I wondered if she felt it too? Anyway, it wasn’t much and as I think about it now, I wished I had done more, given her some of the groceries in my trunk. It does illustrates how little it takes to help in our own communities.

You may live in a community where there are many, obvious homeless people and it may feel overwhelming. You don’t have to help them all……just pick one rather than not doing anything. Believe me, it will make a difference. It will make a difference to that one person.

Ever since I saw the news footage of the little Syrian boy, Alan Kurdi, drowned and washed up on the beach in Greece, I knew I wanted to help. I wanted to make sure our government knew I supported the refugees. I could be silent and not write about this today but it has touched me so deeply. If it were me and my family, I would hope that someone out there was compassionate enough to reach their hand out and help. I’d like to believe that we Canadians are those people.

Let’s give them a peaceful home where they are safe. Where they can raise their children and have a better life. And for those of you who are saying, well, but we are letting terrorist into the country, all I can say is trust in our immigration security process and know that if a terrorist wanted to get into our country…they would find a way.  If you are saying, they will be a drain on our health care, our education, our welfare system, and more, I can only say, if we do nothing and look the other way, we will feel the impact in more ways that you can ever imagine. And it will not be good. Moving in the direction with love and peace in our hearts will ALWAYS bring goodness.

There are countless innocent families needing our help. They don’t want much, they have been living on the streets, the lucky ones in tents for heave sake. Just breathe and trust…this is the path to peace. This is what the world needs right now. This is the turning point in so many ways.


Let’s share what we have (do you BELIEVE in the loaves and fishes story?…here’s the one I tell my children…there is always enough and from a mom of 8 children…you’d better believe I have seen this time and time again…especially in more difficult times) and I KNOW, that if we do that, the next generation of Syrian children will know kindness, compassion, acceptance, and most of all love. That is how we change the world. It’s that simple.

Let’s get on the peace train and make sure everyone who wants to join has a seat. Are you coming?  Remember, we create our reality with our thoughts, with our beliefs. It starts from within. What do you believe? I believe in miracles!

Join me in singing one of my favourite songs from my childhood…..even as a young child I was moving in the direction of peace and love.

Click here to see Cat Stevens playing, “Peace Train.”

Until we meet again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.

Blessings from Hope



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