Living an Inspired Life

Following up to my post which I wrote a few weeks ago on inspiration, (Cinnamon Raisin Bread and Inspiration, or is it the other way around?)  I wanted to share a few additional thoughts and also a link to a TED Talk I recently found, which further inspired THIS post. Have you ever wondered where creative inspiration comes from? I know you know what I’m talking about because we have all experienced it in life. Even those people who are very analytical, and have a black and white belief system and say they don’t have one creative bone in their body. We all have that golden connection to the divine, whether we want to admit it or not. Whether we want to be open and allow it to settle within, filling us with brilliant light to shine out into the world. Our Bravo moments!

I have experienced those timeless, uplifting moments when I parent, cook, garden, but lately they erupt like a geyser to the surface of my consciousness, not able to be contained below ground any longer. They spill forth and I either have to grab a piece of paper and write down the flowing words, or they evaporate into the heavens. If I do capture them in time and I start to fill my bucket with ideas,  thoughts, feelings of expression; the words pour out of me and I KNOW, I am but a vessel of divine creativity.

Those moments, when I have captured pure love, and passed it on to my child, or put it into my soup, or my garden, or allowed it to flow onto a page, I know that is eternal soul speaking through me. That is the little piece of GOD that shines within me. I live for those brief, elusive moments. They are the things that get me up in the morning and I hold my breath for all day….always looking to be taken, swept away and allowed to soar on the wings of inspiration.

We are all given these glimpses, but for some of us they appear more readily or for longer stretches of time so we can produce great works of art. Some of us have to just show up as Elizabeth Gilbert wrote in her book, “Big Magic,” and say, I’m here, ready to do the work and just hope that “creative genius,” will come to the table. That is our job, to show up, to not lose hope, to trust that we will be lifted by creative genius to have a baby, write a song, paint a picture, or write a book.

Sometimes, we just have to keep breathing, keep experimenting, as Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote in the quote that started this blog post.

“All Life is an Experiment, the more you experiment the better.”

Because the more that I do what I love to do, parent, cook, garden, practice my yoga….and write….the better I get and sometimes that is enough. It has to be,…..but I’m still holding out for the moments of pure Grace that come in the early morning hours while the house lies in deep stillness.

If you have 18 minutes and want to be further inspired, check out Elizabeth Gilbert’s TED Talk called, “Your Elusive Creative Genius.” It’s interesting that she gave this talk quite awhile before she wrote the book, “BIG MAGIC.” The ideas for that book, were obviously starting to stir and  alighting inside, ready to settle and allow her to write another great book.

We all have it in us, we just have to BELIEVE and keep showing up, being open.

If you can’t see the video below, check out this hyper link to “TED talk, Your Elusive Creative Genius.”

I hope this post and the Elizabeth’s TED Talk lifts you up and moves you in the direction of your most creative self. So you can live your best life.

Lately, I think that is what my blog is evolving into. I started it while on the road to becoming more environmentally conscious, more sustainable. My intense appreciation for Mother Earth, (H.O.P.E. is my acronym for “helping our planet earth”) but there are other ways to give back. Helping those find their link to the divine is truly coming home. Surrendering fear and filling the space with gratitude, is the first step. Always letting go and trusting, holding the belief we are souls first, living an earthly existence and we are limitless as a result. If we can assimilate that belief system into our lives, not just for seconds but  mindfully throughout our lifetime. It’s then we will be filled up with love and creative genius will alight within us to help us create a better world. Each of us contributing the beauty of our soul.

And while yes, I’m going to be talking about building chicken coops, gardening for a more productive vegetable yield, baking a healthier cake, raising a kinder, more conscious child, and more, I want to tap into why we are all here on this planet at this time in history. I know the world is shifting, the vibration towards pure consciousness is speeding faster and faster. That explains why in many pockets of the world there is chaos, because many people are driven by fear and that creates anger and hatred, but if we remember from where we came and who we truly are, our time on earth will be remembered as the shift in mass consciousness towards spiritual awakening.

It may feel unsettling but any change, even a positive change can make us feel shaky. As one final link, check out this piece written by, Jim Malloy, “How The Consciousness Shift May be Affecting You.” We just need to let go and trust and peace will reign. Hold the vision with me…H.T.V….maybe that will be another new acronym for my blog…sounds like a new T.V. network.

Stay tuned for more from this network….more to come on H.T.V. as the inspiration is flowing nightly. Thanks for being my co creators! I love you all!

Here is a quote from Choquash – a Native American storyteller – which captures the essence of all this…

“The elders have sent me to tell you that now is like a rushing river, and this will be experienced in many different ways. There are those who would hold onto the shore… there is no shore. The shore is crumbling. Push off into the middle of the river. Keep your head above the water, look around to see who else is in the river with you, and celebrate.”

Until we meet again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.

Blessings from Hope


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