~The most powerful weapon in the Universe is Love~
Every day there is something horrendous happening on our planet. If it’s not from natural disasters, like the forest fires in my area, it’s hurricanes in the Caribbean, or earthquakes in Mexico, and if it’s not that, it’s man made atrocities, which are even more tragic, since those can be prevented.
And while the only thing we can do to avoid some of the natural disasters, are to move in the direction of green environmental practices, which hopefully will restore our earth’s balance, unfortunately, there is little we can do to assist in situations like what the Muslim’s of the Rakhine state, are experiencing in Myanmar right now. These are crimes against humanity and it makes my heart ache and eyes fill with tears.
I am not rich, nor do I have any fame, but I know that as a soul, on an earthly experience, I am limitless and so lately I’ve been praying for an answer as to how I can help the world. I am a mom, and I like to think that I’m a writer too and while this tiny blog isn’t much, right now it’s the only voice I have.
I feel compelled to write, but what do I say?
And then, after I said goodbye to the kids this morning I decided to take some time for me and sit. Just sit and breathe. It’s been so hard to meditate lately. It seems like there is always something more pressing to do; laundry, making meals, cleaning bathrooms, harvesting food and processing food from our garden, but today, something was drawing me to my mat.
Our kids, Victoria, William, and Kathryn waiting for the bus….I miss them but they love school! |
I sat for a bit but could not focus on my breath so I found my lap top, plugged it in near my burgundy meditation cushions and googled, “meditating with Deepak.” And that is when I was given the answer to my prayer; Dr.Deepak Chopra reached out and used HIS gifts for connection and touched me.
“Thank you Deepak!”
As Deepak says in the following meditation, we CAN make a difference in the world because we are all inexplicably woven together and connected, (I guess that is why I’ve been crying so much lately) and any love we give to others, or ourselves, ripples out into the world.
Hitting myself on the forehead!!!
With that insight, or rather that reminder, ’cause I KNOW THIS STUFF, but like reminding our kids to be kind and share, (something they know intrinsically and usually do everyday) I had to be reminded that we DO touch each other and we CAN help each other as a result.
I CAN make a difference in the world today.
How, you may ask?
Well, it’s so simple it makes me cry again for the ease of it.
It doesn’t take any money, hardly any effort, and only a glimpse of time. It does take awareness though and an intention.
An intention to…………………. Love the World.
It’s as simple as this; to love the world, you simple love yourself.
Yes, that’s right.
You just need to love yourself and how hard can that be?
You’d think it would be easy because most of us think about US, first? It’s a survival thing isn’t it?
Well, obviously it’s very hard for many of us because if we were more loving to ourselves, and felt like we were worthy of that love, there wouldn’t be the wars, the crimes against humanity, the throwing of hateful tweets, out via our social media; there would just be harmony.
If you stop and think about our world leaders, who are the ones bringing peace and who are the ones who are creating havoc? I’ve been shaking my head all year watching Donald Trump and trying to figure out his intention when he says something hurtful or tweets something inappropriate. And also the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un. What is going on in these men’s brains? I’m trying to think logically but maybe that is the problem….
and as a mom, I just want to pull their heads together and whisper, “be kind, be loving.”
Do you think they were truly loved and accepted as babies, as children, as young people growing up, or did they have something to prove to their mentors, their parents, and their support system? I may be wrong, and I’m certainly no psychologist but often when my children strike out at others, it’s because they aren’t feeling good about themselves. Often, when I just draw them close for a hug and a soft talk, I can feel their shoulders ease and they smile out into the world again.
My gut says it’s that simple and yet, why do we human beings continue to not choose that path?
Why is there so much suffering? Is this just the human condition?
I know that I have felt not worthy of love many times in my life. Often that is why I’m running around trying to make my life appear perfect so others will think I’m more lovable and I’m also trying to impress them with my ability to juggle all the balls.. Ha! I’m a terrible juggler, but I’m pretty good at watching them drop and finally getting some insights.
I’m conscious of it but instead of sitting on my mat this week, I flew around doing everything but…..hey, I know I’m preaching to the choir here, why else would you be reading this blog, but really, this is one of the reasons I haven’t been blogging much this year. I’m trying to figure all this stuff out….and then I remember, oh right. You don’t have to figure it all out. Hope…..you just need to love yourself, experience the journey, and love those around you.
It’s that easy!
If you can relate at all, to some of my rambling thoughts and my solution to helping our earth, then please join me this week doing two things:
1. Join me in being free of judgement. (let’s call ourselves minimalist in this regard) For today, let no judgements form in your head…or touch your heart. (If you are like me this will be hard to do but the peace that comes is HUGE!) When a judgement comes, observe it and let it go…because you know we aren’t just judging others…oh no, we are judging ourselves. Ouch!
AND number 2…..
2. Take 15 minutes and sit on your mat. (If you don’t have one, find a comfy cushion and a special place that you can call your own) Let Deepak come into your home and open up our heart chakra. Connect with your sacred breathe and repeat the heart mantra, “YUM.”
When we fill ourselves with love, the energy moves out into the world |
When I heard the mantra Deepak suggested, to open our heart chakra, I had to laugh because that is a word I say around here a lot! Especially this time of year; when I’m out in my garden and biting into a crisp, delicious apple straight off the tree, or finding a ripe cherry tomato waiting just for me. Yum is my most used words with all the harvesting going on so maybe that is why my heart chakra has been so open and I’ve been more sensitive to all the events in the world. BUT now, I am going to send it within and I KNOW, it will ripple out into the world.
Yum! yum! yum!
The last thing we can do is pray. I know it sounds so insignificant but I believe in the power of prayer. It works daily in my life…after all I wouldn’t have been reminded of this simple lesson today.
And now my dear blogging family, let’s meditate. Find a comfy pillow, or sit in a chair with your feet touching the ground, palms up on your knees and click play on your computer. Here’s the link to Deepak’s meditation, “Loving the World.”
Ahhhh….that’s better. And with a smile and a wave for my little people will be home soon, I say goodbye. Thanks for connecting with me today! I can feel that connection moving out into the world and touching the whole planet.
Until we meet again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.
P.S. And in case you wonder about my judgements in this post, I’m letting them go…they are an observation and no more. We are all in the process and our on our own journey!…even if we are together in the big scheme of things….hugs to you all!