Minimalism Monday~Shedding the Weight


My dear blogging family,

With spring on our doorstep, I feel light and free; as if I could accomplish anything! It’s also the first Monday of spring break and I have  two, glorious weeks to spend with my youngest  children. The endless days spread out enticingly before us. We have a long list of plans and much to do but first I wanted to start, what I hope will be a regular Monday blog post throughout this spring centered on my favourite topic; Minimalism.

Spring is the perfect time to shed our heavy coats from winter and lighten our load. Spring is a good time to open the windows, release all the stale air, and let go of whatever we have accumulated in the cold, hoarding season. Personally, speaking, I hold onto far more than I normally would, in the belief I may need it someday; especially if winter goes on and on.

I’m ready to do a major spring cleaning with some new, green, homemade cleaning products, we are letting go of our garbage service, (who needs to pay it if you are moving in the direction of a  zero-waste lifestyle?) and letting go also of our cable t.v. service. Yes, we are one of those die hard families still holding onto that archaic service.

Today, my first minimalism topic is meditation. When I’m in a meditative state, I feel light and free, totally weightless, and part of the greater whole. I love that feeling! I don’t know why I don’t meditate more often, but life often gets in the way. (or rather I allow it to) I think we as humans like to suffer. We like to drag all our earthly crap with us daily; whether it be actual material stuff, or a relationship that no longer nurtures us. Perhaps, you have a few pounds on your earth suit that you would like to lose?  Or it may be letting go of the fear that hounds us, when we turn into most media. Seeing images of hate, racism,  misogynistic behavior, greed, I could go on and on, is not good for our well being. And yet, we tune in and let those images and words into our lives, into our homes.


After meditating, I feel more peaceful. I’m able to shift easier, as life bombards me with often tragic events occurring all  over the world. After being still, I feel kinder to myself, more loving and worthy. I deserve to live my best life ever. When I meditate, I can control what is going on in my mind; in my life. It helps to balance me, keeping me in a state where I can be a gate keeper for only goodness flowing into my life.

And so, I invite you to join me today, in Deepak Chopra and Oprah’s, 21 day meditation challenge. Think of it as the first step in your minimalism journey this spring. If we can let go of just one thing that is not working for us, shedding it from our lives, then we have more energy to be more loving and kind to ourselves and those around us. In that space, we may also be able to let go of even more that isn’t working for us. Seems like a win/win to me.

It starts TODAY so sign up; it’s free. Really! Yes, totally free. I’ve done a number of their meditation challenges and this one really speaks to me, as I want to shed much from my life this spring. It’s a process in which I’m always in the state of but in my opinion, spring is the perfect time to shed what isn’t working for us any longer.

Here’s the link: to Oprah and Deepak, “Shedding the Weight, Mind, Body and Spirit”

The following is an excerpt explaining further what the challenge is about:

Shedding the Weight: Mind, Body and Spirit begins March 19! Together we’ll embark on a boundless meditation journey to shed the burdens that hold us back, so we can start shining from the inside out.

You’ll learn how to:

  1. Release heaviness and toxicity – on every level
  2. Break free from unhealthy habits using the light of your own awareness
  3. Discover what truly nourishes your entire being to bring newfound freshness, inspiration, and joy into your life

If you don’t see this post for a few days, they still allow you to register and you can catch up. I hope you take advantage of this opportunity as it could change your life.

Let’s move on the path of shedding worthless weight together.

Hey and before I close, I want to say Happy Birthday to my sister J!…one of my three incredible, “soul sisters.” She has taught me MUCH, on this journey we call life. J,  I hope your day is FULL of love!

Until we meet again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.

Blessings from Hope

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