“Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realize that, the quicker we will be able to treat life as art.”
―Maya Angelou
I took the picture of the bridge above, which is located in the Cathedral Grove park, near Parksville, B.C., many years ago. Cathedral Grove, is home to some of Western Canada’s tallest and oldest trees. I was awestruck, traveling through this gathering of wisdom and history. Walking this bridge, reminded me of my life’s journey. At the time, we had four children. Little did I know that we would expand our family to include four more and they would be my greatest teachers.
As the above link proclaims, “Cathedral Grove is a rare and endangered remnant of an ancient Douglas fir ecosystem on Vancouver Island in British Columbia (BC), Canada. The biggest trees in the Grove are about 800 years old and measure 75 m (250 ft) in height and 9 m (29 ft) in circumference.
Although spiritual in meaning, “Cathedral Grove” is a name embedded in a romantic and Eurocentric attitude toward BC nature that does not adequately acknowledge the stewardship of the indigenous peoples, First Nations, who cared for this biological treasure over 1000s of years and preserved it as a big tree heritage for all human beings.”
As I walked through the park for the first time, almost twenty years ago, I can only described the experience as a sacred journey. There was deep peace thrumming in the silence. The oxygen, rich air, filled my lungs and the mossy, green giants, whose roots went deep into the earth whispered, “we are all connected.”

We may not have been able to take our children on grand adventures to see the ancient cathedrals, scattered throughout Europe, but I’d like to think that by taking them to Cathedral Grove Park, and to Long Beach, on the West side of Vancouver Island, where the waves pound, like earth’s own heart beat, that we instilled in our children the love for adventure.

And I’d also like to believe that having adventures out in nature, taught our children that we are all connected.

Two days ago, I tightly hugged my son, Mitchell, and said farewell. He left on his latest adventure. Since finishing University last Spring, he has been working extremely hard to save money to travel. We felt so blessed to have him visit us for a brief period in February.

While home, he was able to connect with his younger siblings. He and I had long talks, he with his coffee and me with my tea, about his childhood, mine, and the future. He and his Dad, even had a one on one ski session up at Silver Star.

He was also able to take a week long trip, down to Seattle and Portland, finishing off the trip in Victoria, where he said a final goodbye to his long time friend, A.

I haven’t been feeling well since Mitchell left. Our four younger kids were all sick last week, with coughs, fever, sore throats, etc, and this week I’m sick. I’ve been really bummed about it, as I had planned to resume my decluttering, that I put on hold while Mitchell was home.
After the kid’s orchestra group practice last night, I basically came home and collapsed into bed. David warmed up the dinner I had made earlier in the day and tucked the kids in for the night. When I woke up a few hours later, I just laid in bed. The house was quiet. I started thinking about how I felt about Mitchell’s adventure. I started thinking about my own life.
Throughout the night, I turned and turned in my sleep. Even our cat, Ryuuki, gave up sleeping next to me. I laid awake for a long time wondering why I was so restless. Of course, being sick doesn’t help, but there was more. Way more going on.
I had to admit, that for all my talk of letting go and trusting, I was holding onto him. Even a dream I had had a few nights before he had left, hadn’t given me true peace.
In the dream, I was in bed one minute and then I was flying up into the atmosphere. I was flying across the world, across the blue, blue ocean. Then I stopped, and like the camera on a Google map satellite, I zoomed down, and down. My vision becoming clearer, until I saw my son. Mitchell was sitting in a city, near water and he had the most contented look on his face. Then I noticed something red on his travel pack and like a camera lens, I drew the image closer and clearer.
A red lady bug was resting on the top of his back pack. Ever since my mom passed away, seven years ago, the lady bug has been my sign for my mom. Of course, mom was going to be right with him. I could relax. I told Mitchell about that dream the next morning and we both laughed about how my dream was obviously showing me what I had been focused on.
Saying goodbye.

This morning, not feeling much better but doing what all moms do; care for their kids, I got up and helped the kids get ready for school. After dropping them off, I reached into my car’s storage drawer, where I keep my Burt’s Bee’s lip balm, and that is when I saw it. A single card from my healing deck, created by Caroline Myss and Peter Occhiograsso.
Just a single card. How did it get there and why was I only finding it now?
The card has a picture of a woman, who is walking on a path of music and the map of Canada is below her. Her arms are wide open and above her are the colours of the chakra.

The text reads, “To be sure of the road, close your eyes and walk in the dark.”
That simple message, put all of my feelings into context. As I drove home, I contemplated the words.
Once again, my children have been the best teachers in this life for me. If my son Mitchell can go across the world, not knowing a soul, just because, “it would be cool to see Australia, maybe New Zealand,”, then I can stay exactly where I am, and have my own adventure right here. After all, do I know what tomorrow holds for me?
For no matter where we go on this earth, life is an adventure and there is nothing to fear.
Exhale! Inhale…exhale.
When I got home from driving the kids to school, I turned over the back of the card and these words were written, “Spiritually closing your eyes permits Heaven to enact the most wonderful guidance in your life. Say the prayer, “Open a new road to me today,” and expect the unexpected. When it appears, accept the gift.”

I’ve said this many times before, but it never fails to surprise me, when I’m given exactly what I need in the moment. This healing card was what I needed to let go, for me and Mitchell. He will be taken care of on his journey, as will I.

And here I am, hours later now, the kids are noisily home from school, and I’ve spent most of the day, drinking tea and writing this post. And you know what? I feel pretty good. I’ve had beans cooking in the oven all day and the house smells of cumin and garlic. I know as we eat dinner tonight, Mitchell will be right with me. (he really seemed to like my baked beans, rice and veggie dinners)
I also know that wherever Mitchell is, I’m with him too.

And as I often do, I will close with Coldplay’s video, “Adventure of a Lifetime.” Mitchell this is dedicated to you. Thanks for always gently teaching me and reminding me that all we can do in life is our best and then we have to let go.
You are loved!
Life is an adventure. Live it well!
“Adventure Of A Lifetime”
Turn your magic on
Umi she’d say
Everything you want’s a dream away
And we are legends every day
That’s what she told me
Turn your magic on
To me she’d say
Everything you want’s a dream away
Under this pressure, under this weight
We are diamonds
Now I feel my heart beating
I feel my heart underneath my skin
And I feel my heart beating
Oh, you make me feel
Like I’m alive again
Alive again
Oh, you make me feel
Like I’m alive again
Said I can’t go on
Not in this way
I’m a dream that died by light of day
Gonna hold up half the sky and say
Only I own me
And I feel my heart beating
I feel my heart underneath my skin
Oh, I can feel my heart beating
‘Cause you make me feel
Like I’m alive again
Alive again
Oh, you make me feel
Like I’m alive again
Turn your magic on
Umi she’d say
Everything you want’s a dream away
Under this pressure under this weight
We are diamonds taking shape
We are diamonds taking shape
If we’ve only got this life
This adventure, oh, then I
And if we’ve only got this life
You get me through
And if we’ve only got this life
In this adventure, oh, then I
Want to share it with you
With you
With you
Yeah I do
Until we meet again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.
Blessings from Hope