“I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees.” -Henry David Thoreau
In my last post, I wrote about the challenge that David Suzuki’s Foundation is asking us to participate in starting today, May 1st; to spend 30 minutes a day in nature for 30 days to kick-start a nature habit that lasts all year-round. The thought is, if we connect with nature, we will do anything to fight for the health of our planet.
I thought I would kick things off here on my blog, by sharing an incredible documentary called, “Call of the Forest, The Forgotten Wisdom of Trees.” Have you heard of it? Ever since visiting my sister C last fall, I’ve been looking for this documentary she mentioned about how the world depends on our forests. Well Duh…but I wanted to learn more. Is this the documentary you were talking about C? I don’t know about you but when I’m in a forest, or even sitting next to one solitary tree, I’m grounded. I feel peaceful and when I reluctantly get up to leave, I feel balanced. AMAZING! It’s not surprising then to learn, without our forests, all life as we know it will end. Do you think the general population knows about this? It’s crucial then for us to share this fact and as communities across the globe, we start to restore our forests and conserve the ones that remain.

Sometimes the problem may feel bigger than us and we may feel hopeless but as the Canadian botanist, Diana Beresford-Kroeger, who wrote, “The Global Forest,” says in the “Call to the Forest” documentary, “if everyone planted one tree a year, for six years, a native species in a native space , then climate change could be reversed.”
Wow….I can do that!
“And for every breath we take, thank a tree.” So there is still hope.

Do you want to start May 2019 by watching this documentary with me? Trust me when I say, it will blow your mind~ and also may inspire you to make changes in the way you live. Although we can petition our government to ensure our forests are preserved, I believe the real power is within each of us to connect with our communities, taking steps to restore our forests and maintain the ones in our area. Another simple thing we can all do is use the search engine “Ecosia.” Have you heard of it? It’s a search engine that uses some of their profits to plant trees all over the world. Click on the link above to read more. This is one small way to help our planet. Another is being mindful of our carbon footprint. The lighter we walk on this earth, means less resources are needed and forests remain intact.

Come and celebrate the month of May with me. It’s the perfect season to plant trees and is also a great time to head outside, do some forest bathing (watch the documentary to hear more about that) and have a love fest in nature. When you come home from your nature hike, feeling restored and healthy, check out this incredible documentary and share it with your friends and family around the world. Let’s get grounded and save our forests.
They are calling us.
Here’s the link to the documentary, “Call of the Forest; The Forgotten Wisdom of Trees”

Until we connect again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.
Blessings from Hope