Happy New Year my dear blogging family.
I know it’s the beginning of a spanking new year, but I have a secret; where it’s at is “OLD.” When I was a child, one of my favourite quilts was a patchwork creation. On one side was a soft flannel sheet and on the other, an intricate, selection of various material squares, all sewed together to make a cozy, warm quilt. I especially loved the moss green velvet pieces. My hand would invariably stroke these squares and find comfort there. This quilt, pieced together by my grandmother, Clark, from scraps of old, worn clothing, always made me feel safe and loved. I wonder if she knew the power in her stitches?

I grew up in a generation where everything new was considered chic. In my twenties, newly married, there was a term to describe my husband and I; “DINKS,” which was an acronym for, “Double Income No Kids.” We were proud of our accumulations and we worked hard to acquire more of the same. We grinned when we heard the term DINKS, as if we were in some secret club where we had it all.

But society sold us a bill of goods. A fake lifestyle built on consumerism. At almost thirty, sitting in the house we had custom built, surrounded by interior designed window coverings, freshly home from Hawaii, I looked at my husband and realized our lifestyle was not making us any happier. I remember at the time wondering what more I needed to feel content. My husband had started to hint that he was ready for children and although I was scared to give up my independent lifestyle, I had a sense that we would find joy in becoming parents.
Having our first child was stressful though as we tried to juggle our lifestyle AND be parents. We tried living that way for a number of years and finally, when we decided to have our third child, we both agreed that something would have to give. I was so tired of juggling work and our home life and trying to have it all. The something that went, was my career.

I was so busy for years mothering our children that I didn’t have a chance to really look at that decision. but it was the BEST thing we ever did. We were forced to change our lifestyle and become more creative with how we spent our money. I discovered that was one of the keys to HAPPINESS.
“At our core as human beings, we are creators, not consumers. ”
~Lee Reynolds~
I’ve been home with our children for over two decades now and while there have been many stressful situations financially, I know that experiencing difficult times has taught us to appreciate the simple moments in our life. For me, being there at the end of our children’s school day with warm cookies fresh from the oven, lighting a candle and holding hands in prayer before our meal, cuddling with our children at night while reading a good book, have been my happiest moments.

No amount of money can buy these moments.
This past Christmas was another good example where we stretched ourselves to give our children some carefully thought out gifts. The BEST gifts were ones we made ourselves. My husband David made our oldest daughter a headboard and base. It wasn’t fancy, but it suits her quaint sea side home. He also made our younger twin daughters a two storey, Veterinarian clinic, since they have a collection of small animals and are both passionate about caring for pets. (Kathryn aspires to be a Vet one day)

Then when I was making my Christmas pillow covers for the family room, I made our oldest daughter a set of black pillow case covers for her guest futon. Last year, we had given her two pillows but she hadn’t bought a set of pillow cases because as she told me, “mom they are expensive.” In addition, I made her a Christmas pillow to go with this set.

While we bought new things for our children’s Christmas presents, I found the greatest joy in making these items. From the smile on Alyssa’s face on Christmas morning, I know she will treasure the things her parents made just for her.
Another thing I did was re-purpose our youngest daughter’s old Christmas dresses. They had seriously outgrown the top but as I folded the dresses and was about to put them in our donation box for our local thrift shop, I realized the skirt on the dress was very full and quite long. With a quick snip, taking off the bodice, and folding and sewing over the waist band , I turned the sweet, red plaid dresses into cute little Christmas skirts. I think I was channelling my mom because she used to make outfits for her four daughters out of old clothes. One Christmas she made us all matching red felt skirts.

The girls were so happy as they had loved their dresses. There is a beautiful black velvet band with a crystal piece on the waist band that actually stands out more now that the piece is a skirt. And the skirts are so versatile depending what you pair them with. They even wore the skirt over their solid black music, concert dresses that were getting a bit short. Voila, a new outfit!!! (Plus it was nice and warm when we went to church on Christmas Eve which was snowy and cold in our part of the world!)

Inspired with these homemade creations and also re-purposing the girls dresses into skirts made me want to go on the hunt for “old,” things and so at the end of our Christmas holiday, my two older daughters and I enjoyed an afternoon sleuthing through antique shops in our little town and then we stopped and had a lovely tea break at our local, “Bean to Cup,” cafe. Walking around the antique shops, seeing many things from my childhood, like a 1960’s metal dollhouse, made me realize that I’m getting old.

These things are now considered ANTIQUES! and yes, I’m well over 50 now and I guess I’m considered an antique too. If you are there too, you will understand how bizarre this feels because I may be old (biologically), BUT I don’t feel old.
And what makes me feel young, is creating. Always having new ideas, new dreams, new ways of living, and turning the things around me into new re-purposed items.

You could say, I am even re-purposing my life. Shifting and changing with the seasons brings me so much joy and caring for the earth while I’m at it restores my soul.

So as the New Year unfolds, I’m looking for old. I’m looking for character filled items to surround myself with, and character filled people too. I know I’m not alone in looking at my belongings and re-purposing what we own as I was talking to my oldest sister this morning and she told me that one of her goals for the New Year is “not” to buy any clothes, shoes, etc. She is going to make do with what she has. Way to go, B!

I hope a warm, old, quilt, made from our most comforting memories covers us all and we realize, the simplest things bring us the greatest joy.
~Lee Reynolds~
And we are happy together.
Talking about old and being happy together, last week our son William came home from his cello group practise, and shared one of his “new” orchestra pieces. I had to laugh when I heard it as it’s a song from my childhood. It’s a catchy tune and everyone in our house is now humming it. I wonder if you know it? Check out the following link to the YouTube video, “Happy Together,” by The Turtles. It’s old and new! Come sing along with us.
Oh that was fun and reminds me that music is another simple thing that brings joy and all of us together. Signing off for now, while singing, “Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, babababa, baaaa, ba, ba, ba, baaaa…. “Happy Togetherrrrr.”

Until we meet again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.
Blessings from Hope
Really appreciate you sharing this blog.Really looking forward to read more. Awesome.
Thank you Kathryn for taking the time to reach out and say something positive.