This morning I woke in the wee hours pounding my pillow and crying, “no, no, no.” I’m sure I wasn’t alone. All over the world people are pleading for this Russian invasion on Ukraine to stop. As if we haven’t experienced enough heart ache in the world over the past two years dealing the Covid 19 pandemic, this is like another nightmare that we can’t understand or wake from.
In the last three weeks I’ve been travelling “within” a lot. I’ve been meditating and seeking answers to some life questions. I’ve been letting go of many as well and just trying to live in the moment. I thought I was preparing myself to reemerge this spring, like a butterfly from its’ chrysalis, after a long sleep, but I see now that I needed to build my inner reserves as our world has been shaken once again as Russian cruelly invades Ukraine. It’s a war none of us wanted to deal with in the world.
And yet it is here.
What helps me deal with the horrific stories I see in the news as the Ukrainian people stand and fight for their land, is my spiritual belief that we are “all” spirits who have come to earth to live a human experience. After I read Caroline Myss’s book, “Sacred Contracts,” more than ten years ago, I further adopted the belief, which resonates with my soul. I believe that before coming to earth, our spirit chooses an archetype role we will play during our human existence. (the following is a glimpse into Caroline Myss’s teachings regarding Archetype energy) If you want to delve deeper into her teachings and are interested in the Archetypes we choose to be, check out her book. “Scared Contracts.”
Knowing that each of us makes a conscious choice on the role we will take once on earth has helped me see the bigger picture at play. Often it is the roles between good and evil and we learn from each other as we play the roles. Until we evolve as a species these roles will continue to manifest. Thankfully we are starting to wake up and become spiritually conscious, but if you wonder why we are still seeing so much anger, fear and hatred in the world, that is the last gasps of lower energy archetypes acting out. The Russian leader, whom I will not name as I don’t want to give him any more power, is in my opinion playing the evil archetype. His vibration is low, dark and obviously little light gets into his social awareness. It’s hard to believe this is the role he chose and even harder for me to remember that he too is a beloved spirit. Having this awareness helps me to look at him and his actions with the broader picture in mind and remember that his actions are teaching us and helping us move closer towards the light. But even if you can understand him from a spirit connection I think the question everyone in the world is asking is, “how can we overcome someone like this?”After all we are here in the human form and our role is to act. I believe the answer is quite simple.
Shut out the darkness with love.

Become a beacon of light shining brightly in your part of the world. If enough of us fill the world with light and love, how can darkness reside? We will overcome that darkness. How can we do this in practical terms? We can start each day with the intention to be kind and considerate towards others. Those in our own circles. Fill everyone you meet with gratitude for their existence. Sometimes this is simply a thank you….or a smile. This is a good time to up our random acts of kindness towards our neighbours. Take your neighbours garbage can back to their house at the end of the day or drop some muffins off at their doorstep with a note that you appreciate having them as your neighbour. You know even something as little as when you are driving in your car, look for opportunities to be kind on the road; yield to others, recognizing you see them. Let them merge in front of you kindly. Drive consciously.
Another big one is finding something that brings you joy each day and authentic light will fill up around you and you will glow for everyone to see. You may wonder how you can be joy filled when there is so much horror going on in Ukraine and other parts of the world? The thing is, by living in fear and worry, only gives more energy to the darkness. Live in a place of light, love and joy and be like Ukraine’s national flower……

Other practical things you can do right now is to donate money. The Red Cross Ukraine was our first organization to contribute to. Another good organization I found when I heard the actor and philanthropist, Ryan Reynolds was matching up to a million dollars in donations, was to the United Nations Refugee Agency. When I see women, children and the elderly fleeing Ukraine, I can easily get behind this organization. It doesn’t have to be a lot of money but if we all give something it will become a BIG contribution. When I heard that people from all over the world were also booking Airbnb stays in the Ukraine with no intention of travelling but only wanting to put some money in Ukrainian people’s pockets, it made me cry.
There is so much goodness in the world. And if you are coming to my blog I know you are a big piece of that as I attract like minded people. We are limitless in how brilliant we can shine. Take my hand and join me in taking a deep breath now. Let it fill up your heart field. Connect with your soul energy and as you exhale, let it cover the earth with your light.
We can all be the beacon of light the world needs now. What role are you going to choose to take? I loved this video below as this one brave woman brought some light to the world around her….it made me want to shine brighter and sing too! “Lean on Me.”
Until we meet again, may you be well, happy and peaceful. Shine On!
Blessings from Hope