Happy first day of Spring my dear blogging family! For most of my life the first day of spring was synonymous with my mother’s smile and laughter. You see, it was also my mother’s birthday. Our family used to gather together for afternoon tea and cake, or dinner and an evening of music, and celebrate this oh so special person in our lives. For the last ten years this day has been quiet. Our families don’t gather together any longer. My younger children don’t even remember their grandmother. But every March 20th, for the last ten years, I wake up and the first thing I say is, “Happy Birthday,” to my mom. It’s funny that we do that, even though our loved one is no longer here to get one year older.
But we are here to remember.
Mom had bright green eyes that would shine with love and joy. Eyes that sparkled mischievously after telling a joke. I marvelled at her ability to be so happy. I think she must have worked really hard at it as she perfected the art, despite a lifetime scattered with grief and difficulties. You see, she had lived through the depression, the Second World War and was a widow not once but twice in her lifetime. Somehow she survived it all. But that’s life isn’t it? What choice do we have? We either survive or we don’t. My mom was a good teacher. She taught me how to be a survivor too, although so far my life has been so easy compared to her life. Also, whether consciously trying or not, she laid down deep roots of faith and a constant knowing that I am loved.

Now that’s something to celebrate today. Knowing one is loved is HUGE, don’t you think? ‘Cause we can overcome anything and rise to be our best selves if we know that we are loved. It’s a beautiful thing…and it’s a beautiful day here too. A perfect first day of spring day. The sky is blue, the sun is shining and there are buds starting to burst on all the trees. Another season has come. It’s a season to remember to be joyful. And while my mom isn’t here to hold her hands to her heart, her face shining brightly as we sing happy birthday while carrying another cake towards her, she will always be right here in my heart.
Happy Birthday Mom!
My gift to her today is remembering, but also honouring her by smiling at everyone that I meet. My mom had a special gift of making others feel special. She was genuinely interested in them and their problems. She would lift them up with a smile, or a kind word. She would go out of her way and do something kind for them. She made the world a brighter place and I know that she would be proud if I carried her legacy on.
So whatever you are doing today, stop for a moment, take a slow, deep breath, hold your hands palm up and let the residue of my mom’s love for the world find you. You are sooo loved. Let that knowledge sink into your heart and may you be glad today. It’s Spring. It’s a day to celebrate!!!

Until we meet again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.
Blessings from Hope