She left through the night
I know because the next morning
there was an earthy smell in the air
A crisp breeze was gently blowing my curtains
It saddens me to think I didn’t say goodbye
Mostly her visit was glorious
Long days of lazy, relaxed goodness
barefoot trips to the garden to collect
juicy strawberries and tart raspberries
The apples are turning red quickly now
the pumpkins growing a bright orange
My closet beckons toward my old blue sweater
And to my faded blue jeans with the flowers patched on the pocket
Saying goodbye to a guest is never easy
Maybe she knew and left without wanting to see my tears
I hold her in my heart and hope she returns once more
Until then I open my arms to a new season
Welcome Autumn
You too, are my blessed friend
Lee Reynolds

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..My dearest friends and family,
I hope this post finds you well. I haven’t written on my blog in a coon’s age so I may have lost my whole audience. I know, I know, we’ve all been busy, but today, I wanted to drop a line and share some of this week’s memories before they fly by. Life is flying by.

As the garden gate closes with a sigh, we are spending more time indoors. My youngest children went trick or treating this week. I’m counting down now, there won’t be many more years when they are wanting to dress up and gather treats from the neighbours. Like the changing seasons, it’s bitter sweet watching my children grow. Some parents may be hurrying their children towards independence but not me. I savour every stage. Each moment of development is treasured and I only wish they would slow down a bit.
Below are some Halloween pics of Victoria/aka Mario and her twin side kick Kathryn, (aka Rosalina) The girls went trick or treating with all their friends who were dressed up as various characters from the Mario and Luigi group. Will (the ghoulish convict) decided to dress up very last minute and join a few of his friends who are small fourteen year olds. He’s now topping 6’1″ so we wondered what people would think when he went trick or treating but no one said anything. Maybe they have my philosophy that as long as you dress up and are polite, treats will be bestowed gladly.

The spider over the entrance to our front door is made from two, black plastic bags. One for the body and the other is cut into eight strips. Anything left over is part of its’ stuffing. I use old tissue paper for the stuffing. The eyes and mouth are just cut out from construction paper. When the legs blow in the wind it’s rather scary. Also, we play this timeless music, “Chamber of Horrors,” hiding a Bluetooth speaker near the front door.

Halloween Cookies below are in my Recipes listed under Sugar Cookies....Just decorate with some candy corn, smarties and chocolate chips

I hope you enjoyed seeing a few pics from our Halloween 2023. It always goes by in a blur but oh isn’t it fun. It’s hard to believe that fall is here but the days are cold and crisp, although the sun warms us up mid day. Last fall it was warm so long that the tree’s leaves remained and then suddenly winter came and the leaves hadn’t dropped. It’s reassuring when the seasons change, while hard to say goodbye, life is a series of transformations. Time to bloom, and time to rest, Time to grow and time to reflect.
As the season changes I hope wherever you are it moves with ease and grace and all things good come your way.
Until we meet again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.
Blessings from Hope