Happy New Year!
Dear family and friends,
Welcome back to my blog. It’s been an age. On this blustery winter day, I thought what better time than now, to dust the ‘ole cobwebs from my blog and write a few thoughts before we move fully into this new year. (2024)
Before I can do so however, I feel compelled to look back. WAYYYY back. Don’t you think before we move forward with anything, it’s good to look back and see far we’ve come? While doing so, we can give ourselves a pat on the back and say, “way to go.” And while cheering ourselves on, we can also reflect on the parts that were not so brilliant.
And before we move more fully into 2024, I want to go way back, over a year now to Christmas 2022. I meant to write about it at the time but for whatever reason I didn’t get it down. Since it looks like I’m going to be snowed in for awhile, I think this is a good time to share it with you now.
And so grab a cup of tea, coffee or hot cocoa and come for a visit with me.

Last Christmas (2022) was a snowy one. In the week before Christmas my part of the world was magically white, but it wasn’t so magical for those trying to get home for the holidays Especially, if you had to fly. All the major airports across Canada were having flights cancelled due to the inclement weather. It was like a domino effect, especially if you had a connecting flight anywhere. Actually, people were stranded in airports all over North America. My family and I huddled around the T.V. listening to all the various travel nightmares people were experiencing. I felt such heartfelt compassion for anyone travelling at this time of year. And then two of our older kids were scheduled to fly home.
Our oldest daughter Alyssa was due home mid week before Christmas which fell on Sunday in 2022. At first, her flight from Calgary was delayed, and then she got a taste of what others were dealing with as she was stuck in the airport. There were several appointed times when they said they would be flying out and then they would have to delay that time due to the weather. We were all on pins and needles as she waited, and we waited, and then thankfully, in the wee hours of the next morning we got the call that she was finally boarding her flight and would be home soon. We were just so relieved that she was finally coming home. David gladly drove in the early morning hours to bring her home. That was my first Christmas gift of the season.

and she had a few days to relax. Sit with Yuuki by the fire, read, and do puzzles.

(Some back story on Alyssa. She had only just moved to Calgary the previous October, after finding work teaching music in that city. We were thrilled for her, as this was always something she wanted to experience, but you know, when your grown children move away, you never know if they will be able to make it home for the holidays. We missed her for two holidays when she was living in London and we were so sad. Just having her home makes everything more special. She has a lovely presence about her and gets excited about simple, ordinary things, like sitting by the fire with a cat curled up beside her and a good book in her lap, a spicy, fragrant cup of chai tea, a good puzzle spread out on the dining room table, our traditional Lord of the Rings Marathons, and oh, Umma’s favourite Ambrosia/marshmallow salad, ha….so glad she made it home)
Then it was Harrison’s turn to come home after work on Friday, December 23rd. We were all biting our nails and texts were flying back and forth. I’ll never forget that dreadful phone call when Harrison called to confirm his flight had been, “officially,” cancelled. My heart dropped. Just hours before he was scheduled to leave, the Toronto Pearson International airport totally shut down due to a terrible winter storm. The snow was flying, the wind was blowing, absolutely nothing was taking off. (or landing either)
We sat around that evening a bit forlorn. The house was beautifully decorated. All the baking was done. The presents were wrapped and the stockings were stuffed, but I was rather despondent knowing Harrison would celebrate Christmas all alone in his apartment. I prayed for a miracle and then let it go. What else could I do? What truly was most important was knowing he was safe and not trying to travel home in the storm.
And so I went to sleep on Dec 23rd, sad.

And then on Christmas Eve, we got a call from Harrison who said, “you are NOT going to believe where I am mom?” I was dumbfounded and silent until I heard, “I’m sitting in the Edmonton airport and hoping to fly out later today.” WHAT??? I yelled! Then the story came out. After his flight had been cancelled Friday night he’d tried to book another flight home but there was nothing available. Partly due to the airline booking system’s online set up where it kept looking for a connecting flight for him to the Okanagan. Exhausted and defeated he finally went to bed. Then, around 3 am he woke up inspired to try to just book a direct flight to Edmonton, with the idea he could eventually get a flight from there to Kelowna. And it worked!!!There was a mid morning flight out on the 24th to Edmonton so he booked it and grabbed his suitcase and was at the airport by 6 am. (What we heard later, and makes this story rather amazing is he was able to get out in a little window of travel. A few hours later the airport shut down totally again as the storm’s intensity worsened.) His day of travel was a mini version of what the mom from the movie, “Home Alone,” had to endure to get back to her son Kevin in time for Christmas. But unlike her, the last leg of Harrison’s journey wasn’t with Gus Polinski, the Polka King and his Polka band from Sheboygan, “The Kenosha Kickers.” Here’s a excerpt from that movie which gives you a feel for the desperation one feels to get home, and also for the kindness of strangers.
While the last leg of Harrison’s travels was delayed several times, getting his hopes up and dashed, finally, late, late on Christmas Eve he flew out of Edmonton. It had been a long, LONG DAY but he was coming home. David donned his red Santa hat one more time and drove to the airport. (Keep in mind, even driving was rough going) They arrived back home at 2 am on Christmas morning.
What I know is….
Magic happens.
Having Harrison home in time for Christmas was the BEST Christmas present I received last year. Everyone was home and tucked under our eaves, (everyone except Mitchell. Don’t get me crying. There’s a sad place in my heart every holiday when he’s not physically here, but he’s happy in Australia. Isn’t that what we want for our kids?…to be happy? And so we connect via messenger and are grateful for the time we have with him)

And so, with all the flight cancellations and delays, I felt like Christmas magic was bestowed on us. I didn’t want another year to go by without writing about it. In the final years of my Dad’s life, he had a Kodak movie camera. He had such fun creating family movies and I’m thankful. I sometimes think he inspired this blog, since he too liked to write. So when I write on my blog, it’s my way of leaving a bit of me and a bit of him too, here on this earth. This is for my children, and my children’s children. and all my family and friends. You are my world and when I’m long gone I hope you remember to look for the magic in the world.

Above, Harrison, (so exhausted but smiling), later on Christmas day. He had spent 36 hours trying to get home in time for Christmas morning. It was my best present! What I learned most from 2022’s holiday was that being with those you love is the MOST important thing ever. No amount of gifts, activities, abundant food or spirits even compares. Connecting is what it’s all about.
And now, like one of my Dad’s family movies, I present the video I created to share snippets from my magical Christmas 2022.
Shut the lights out and run that projector!
Above is the video I created to remember Christmas 2022 and below is one of the Christmas pieces the kids were working on during the holidays…”In The Bleak Midwinter” which is based on English writer, Christina Rosetti’s Poem. (with all the snow we experienced it’s apropos)

After Christmas 2022, the clouds are starting to break.
As I close this blog I think the real magic in the world, not just at Christmas time, but all year through is love. When we let it fill our hearts that’s when the real magic happens.

Watch for the magic in 2024….and wishing you much love.
Until we connect again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.
Blessings from Hope