My mom was born in Oakland, California in 1926. She was an American. I often wonder “what if?”
What if my mom’s family hadn’t emigrated to Canada. I’d be an American right now.
And if I were an American, I’d have a bumper sticker on our family van tonight with the words,
“Vote for Freedom. Vote for Kamala Harris!”

Even though I’m Canadian, after watching the final night of the Democratic National Convention this evening (btw, I watched the RNC too) and after hearing Kamala’s acceptance speech for the nomination to be the U.S. President, I wondered, “what can I do?” Then I thought of the power of words and how far reaching they are. Words can inspire. Words can lift people up and drop them down to the darkest depths. I wondered what I could write that could inpsire others to join me in my belief that Kamala will turn a new page in U.S. history and the world will be better for it.
I started writing and these are a few of my thoughts.

When we listen to our heart it knows the path we need to take.
What I would encourage my neighbours down south to do is to listen to their heart when their leader speaks. Are they saying things that are respectful and kind? Are they being compassionate and understanding? Are they honest? Do they have integrity? Would you hold them up as a role model for your children to admire and follow? Do they respect their fellow man?
I realize there is nothing I can say to change other people’s viewpoints but I want to be part of the movement that does something and so here I am asking, if you are an American and are on the fence regarding the upcoming vote, or worse yet, planning not to vote at all, I implore you to listen to your heart. Follow the path it tells you to take on election day.
I know I’m not alone in watching the choice you make. The world is watching. Make us proud and remember Free Will is a precious thing. Use it wisely. Let love and light guide you.
Until we meet again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.
Blessings from Hope
Make the “good” choice!

Listening to her made me proud to be a neighbour to my American cousins and I hope they will do the right thing in November. I wonder if many American’s who voted Trump in 2016 had the self awareness of how denegrated he made the country look for the four years he was in office. It was a stupid drama show.
Not a day went by during those four years when there was something chaotic happening in the White House or something rude or disrepectful coming out of Trump’s mouth. I’m still shocked that he has not been convicted of inciting a riot on January 6th. How can it be that so many people believed the election results were not valid? How brainwashed they must have been after years of lies. I was so sad for the American people and I don’t know why some of them want to go back to that. THAT! I keep hearing Americans talk about the economy as if their current administration has huge power over that and all I can say is, “are you aware of what is happening all over the world since Covid and since the war in Ukraine?” None of our economies are doing great…it’s a global issue so wake up and smell the roses. Do you really want four more years of racist remarks, bullying tactics and fear mongering?
Also, I always thought Americans, especially the Conservatives believed in the power of family but how can they vote someone in office who has cheated on his wife, (more than once) been found guilty of sexual charges and also was recently charged with fraud. How about his bankrupties? How can you think anyone who has these values, lead your country with honesty and integrity? But maybe the values in the States are changing….or not.
After watching the DNC this evening, I witnessed many Americans who want someone they can trust. Someone who holds up those American values that the world admires. (or used to) Anyway, after Michele Obama spoke the other night and said, “Do something,” I thought, “I can write my thoughts down on my blog,” and while I’m sure my words wouldn’t sway a republican to vote differently in November, because I know many only vote party and are brainwashed by Trump, I’d like to think those on the fence will listen to their gut and vote with their heart. Because when you vote from your heart, you listen to higher part of yourself. The part that is kind. The part that is loving. I’m holding HOPE, that I may encourage even one person to vote for get out and vote for Kamala…..give her a shot. I know many have linked her to Biden but remember she hasn’t been President before and we don’t know what she will do….but we have watched the Trump show and it was scary. No going BACK!
Remember we are all global citizens (FIRST) in this world and we are all connected whether our leader believes that or not.
Vote for Kamala in November!
Until we meet again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.
Blessings from Hope