Yesterday I was in shock. Today I’m just sad. I’m sad that so many people in the States voted for a egomaniacal narcissist, who wears hate and racism on a hat that says, “Make America great again.” I’m sure his supporters are happy today because so many of them share his beliefs. Prior to the election I heard many people say, “yeah, I may not like the man but I like his policies.”
Well, I hope they like the mass tariffs he’s about to place on incoming products from other countries and the higher prices they will have to pay for them. Oh and how about the Project 2025 program, which has been called the “woke Propaganda.” His administration will waste no time implementing it. If you want a small glimpse of what’s coming, check out the series, “The Handmaid’s Tale,” based on Canadian writer Margaret Atwood’s novel. This is no joke! What were the women who voted for him thinking!!!
I also hope the Americans who voted for their new supreme leader like authoritarianism because they are about to lose so many freedoms generations before them fought with blood and tears for, but my guess is most of his supporters lack critical thinking abilities and have been brain-washed after years of listening to their fake news media and their religious leaders. They think he’s the greatest ’cause he keeps telling them he is. Pathetically, they also lack any reflective ability on what’s happening in the world and their place in it. (I’m glad we took our kids to Disneyland when Biden was in office ’cause we won’t be visiting this protectionist country anytime soon) I wonder how many other world travellers will feel the same. Let them be isolated if they want it so badly!
And so, today I’m sad.
After listening to Kamala Harris’s concession speech yesterday, (something T***p wasn’t man enough to do four years ago) I was deeply moved. This morning I decided to get up, shaking off these post election blues and let it all go. There is nothing I can do about it and continuing to hold a low vibration of anger and sadness will not help the world.
I’m moving on with hope and looking at history as my guiding light. After all, the world survived even Nero and the fall of Rome and more recently Hitler and Germany. I think Tr**p has it totally wrong. What makes any country or people great is upholding the strong morals of; honesty, respect, compassion, cooperation, generosity, and courgage. I’m grateful my parents instilled these in me as my north star.

(Above, my parents Marvynne and Ethel (nee Herrling) Clark in our home in the early 60’s. (My dad died in 1965) They married after the second world war, a time many people thought was a golden era. They worked so hard to put bread and butter on our table. I suppose the golden part referred to the fact they were living in the post war era when so many people had died fighting for freedom from hatred and tyranny. They were the lucky ones who could live in peace afterwards but make no mistake, it was not an easy time. They taught me to work hard, be honest and respectful, be grateful and count my blessings)
In addition, to love my neighbour…even when I don’t agree with the choices they make in life. Speaking of neighbours, so many of us are forgetting our real life ones in our navel gazing day to day life. I was heartened when I drove my kids home from school yesterday and Victoria said, “hey mom, drop me off at the top of the drive way so I can take our neighbour’s garbage can back to their house. (Last year our neighbour had a heart attack and the kids know these little kindnesses send a message of love and care.) Fills my heart with pride to know they are learning to be kind and considerate, a legacy from my parents)
Okay, I’m done. I’ve said my piece. Does it feel good? No, but it’s part of history. My history that my grandchildren need to know I lived through. Yes, I plan to live through this. For now though, it’s time to get on with life. Deep breath, moving forward. When I sign off I’ll be heading out into my yard to rake some leaves, prune some bushes, and clean up my perennials. The sun is shining and it looks like it will be a blue sky, lovely fall day in my part of the world.
Our earth is an incredible healer. If you are feeling sad today, I urge you to head out for a walk, touch a tree, feel the earth and join me in mutual appreciation.
Life is good! We will get through this time and all shall be well.
Join me in holding a hopeful heart with strong morals being a light upon our path.

Until we meet again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.
Blessings from Hope
Good to hear from you, my friend. It’s been a difficult week and my heart is always lifted when I see that you have posted. Through this process, I strive to keep conversations open so we can treat other with kindness and respect.
Oh Leeba, I’m just seeing this now. I’m sorry but I haven’t been very active on my blog. It was a difficult fall (so much unrest and hatred in the world) but you know me, I’m always hopeful. If you look for goodness and blessings you will find them. I know this because I still have on line friends like you in my life. All the best in 2025! blessings, Hope